Seaside Heights Disorderly Conduct Attorneys
Disorderly Conduct Lawyer in Seaside Heights New Jersey
Seaside Heights is probably the Jersey Shore destination with the highest number of disorderly conduct charges issued annually. Hundreds of violations for disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and similar incidents of “disturbing the peace” are filed in the borough every year, especially in summer when tourism is at its peak. The most important thing you need to know if you have been charged with disorderly conduct in Seaside Heights is that you will have a criminal record if you plead or are found guilty of this offense. It also carries the possibility of up to six (6) months in jail. While these penalties are certainly in play, our Seaside Height Criminal Defense Attorneys have a track record of escaping disorderly conduct convictions in this municipality. Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall is the largest criminal firm in Ocean County and has successfully handled countless Seaside Heights disorderly conduct cases over the last two decades. We know how and what works in the court in order to escape a conviction for someone like you. Contact our office at 732-286-6500 for an immediate consultation with a lawyer, possibly one of our several former prosecutors. Initial consultations with our lawyers are free of charge.Disorderly Conduct Offense in Seaside Heights
The offense of disorderly conduct is set forth in the New Jersey Criminal Code at N.J.S.A. 2C:33-2. This law prohibits someone from using offensive language in public, engaging in improper behavior, including fighting or other violent behavior, or otherwise causing public annoyance, alarm, or hazard. Although there are many incidents in Seaside where someone is highly intoxicated, unruly or otherwise poses a legitimate threat to public peace in violation of this statute, our experience has been that the line between lawful conduct and what is construed as disorderly conduct can be blurry. Make no mistake about it, you must have presented a real threat to the public in order to be guilty of disorderly conduct. Offensive language also needs to clearly cross the line and be akin to “fighting words”. The point is that while an extreme number of disorderly conduct summonses/tickets are issued in Seaside Heights, many of these filings fail to involve someone who legitimately crossed the threshold into a bona fide disorderly conduct offense; and even in those instances where they have, we have a long standing history of avoiding a 2C:33-2 conviction. The penalties that may be imposed by the judge in Seaside Heights if you are convicted under 2C:33-2 include up to 30 days in the county jail and a fine of up to $500. You will also have a criminal record that will follow you for years to come. Our attorneys are savvy advocates and know how to insure that your case does not result in a conviction.Seaside Heights NJ Disorderly Conduct Attorney
The summer is a wild time in the Borough of Seaside Heights and the truth is that some members of law enforcement can overreact to this high level of activity. As a result, it may be that you really did nothing in your mind to satisfy 2C:33-2 or perhaps you did. Irrespective, you need to remember that this isn’t simply a ticket but rather a criminal offense that will result in a record that will show up every time someone conducts a background check. A conviction also results in penalties that actually include the possibility of your being sentenced to jail. Risking consequences like these without speaking to an attorney who is experienced in Seaside Heights disorderly conduct charges is foolish. The attorneys at Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall have considerable familiarity with these matters and can help you make an informed decision regarding handling of the offense. A lawyer is available immediately to discuss your disorderly conduct case in Seaside Heights at 732-286-6500. Related Subjects:
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