Manchester NJ Simple Assault Attorneys
Charged With Simple Assault in Manchester New Jersey
A simple assault charge can result from any number of scenarios in Manchester NJ. Irrespective of how you found yourself charged with this offense, you need to realize that hiring the right attorney to defend you is extremely important. Despite the impression that some individuals may possess, lawyers come in all levels of skill. Here at Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall our staff of eight criminal attorneys include the former prosecutor of Manchester (i.e. Matthew Dorry) and a team that possess over 100 years of collective experience defending simple assault and other offenses in Manchester Township. An attorney is available immediately at 732-286-6500 to address your questions and concerns in a free initial consultation.Where will your Manchester simple assault offense be decided? Simple assault is a disorderly persons offense under N.J.S.A. 2C:12-1(a). This grade of criminal charge falls under the limited jurisdiction of the municipal court of Manchester.
Is this charge a felony or misdemeanor? New Jersey law does not categorize criminal offenses in terms of felony or misdemeanor. Simple assault would nevertheless fall within the classic definition of misdemeanor. When a simple assault involves a “victim” that is, however, a police officer, teacher or other individual afforded extra protection, the incident escalates to aggravated assault which is a felony. The municipal court also lacks authority to deal with a restraining order issued in conjunction with an alleged simple assault.
What are the penalties for simple assault if I am convicted in Manchester? The penalties include a fine that can reach $1,000, mandatory court assessments and court costs, probation, restitution and the possibility of up to six months in the Ocean County Jail. You will also have a criminal record if you are convicted.
Manchester Township Simple Assault Defense Lawyer
Whether the simple assault was the result of a fight with a neighbor, disagreement at a bar, domestic violence or some other incident, a lawyer at Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall is equipped to help you. We routinely appear in Manchester and have significant familiarity with the court, personnel and practices. A free initial consultation with Matt Dorry or another attorney on our staff is a telephone call away at 732-286-6500. Initial consultations our attorneys are free of charge.Additional Manchester Township NJ Legal Resources
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