Manchester NJ Marijuana Possession Lawyers
The most common criminal offense filed in Manchester New Jersey is unquestionably marijuana possession. The variety of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10 charge we are referring to is possession of 50 grams or less of marijuana. The frequently encountered companion violation of possession of drug paraphernalia is probably the second most popular offense in terms of volume.The attorneys at our Ocean County law firm include the former prosecutor of the Manchester Municipal Court, Matthew Dorry. We have represented countless clients who have been charged with a disorderly persons offense for possession of marijuana in Manchester, as well as fourth degree possession at the Ocean County Superior Court. For a free consultation with an attorney on our staff, call 732-286-6500. Lawyers are available 24/7 to assist you.
Possession of 50 Grams or Less of Marijuana. This violation stems from N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10(4) and makes possession of marijuana a disorderly persons offense when the quantity is 50 grams or less. The penalties if you are convicted of possessing marijuana under this section include a maximum fine of $1,000 and six months in jail. A period of probation, community service and a Drug Enforcement Demand Reduction penalty can also apply.
Possession of Over 50 Grams of Marijuana. This violation does not fall under the jurisdiction of the Manchester Township Municipal Court since it involves a fourth degree crime. Possessing more than 50 grams of marijuana carries penalties upon conviction that include up to an 18 month prison sentence and fines that can reach $25,000.
Mandatory Driver’s License Suspension. Even if you are not facing a possession of cds in a motor vehicle charge in Manchester, a conviction under 2C:35-10 carries a driver’s license suspension that is mandatory. The period of revocation is at least 6 months and as much as 2 years.
Possession of Marijuana Defense Attorney in Manchester Township
Manchester Township spans 82.69 square miles and has 43,070 residents so possession of marijuana is something that certainly exists in the municipality. The problem is that the law carries significant penalties since this is still considered a controlled dangerous substance (“cds”) that is illegal. Contacting an attorney who is highly skilled in the defense of marijuana possession is a great step to insure that you do not end up on the short end of these consequences. The lawyers at Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall are well qualified to represent you in such as case. To speak to a lawyer on our staff immediately in a free consultation, call 732-286-6500.Additional Manchester Township NJ Legal Resources
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