Brick NJ Marijuana Possession Attorneys
Marijuana Possession Offense in Brick Township New Jersey
Marijuana possession is a charge that is filed just about every day in Brick New Jersey. Nonetheless, a conviction for possession of marijuana continues to result in stiff penalties under N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10. Hiring a lawyer who is experienced in representing those charged with marijuana possession in Brick can prove invaluable in averting negative consequences. This is exactly the level of service you will achieve from the lawyers that make up to defense team at Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall. Our lawyers have been appearing in this municipality, as well as at the county courthouse, for decades and include the former prosecutor of the town, Matthew Dorry. If you are facing a possession of marijuana offense in Brick, a lawyer on our staff is fully equipped to protect your interests. For a free consultation with one of our lawyers immediately, contact us at 732-286-6500.50 Grams or Less of Marijuana Offense in Brick New Jersey
Most marijuana offenses in Brick involve possession of 50 grams or less under N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10(4). This form of marijuana violation is a misdemeanor that is referred to as a disorderly persons offense. Nonetheless, a conviction in Brick Municipal Court results in a fine of up to $1,000 and the possibility of incarceration for up to 6 months. There are also indirect consequences of a conviction that include having a criminal record. For additional informaiton on this subject click here.Charged With Fourth Degree Marijuana Possession in Brick
A more serious marijuana offense is fourth degree possession in accordance with N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10(3). This charge arises when someone possesses more than 50 grams of marijuana and falls outside local jurisdiction. A fourth degree case can only be dealt with by the Ocean County Superior Court. A conviction for this fourth degree crime triggers penalties that include a state prison sentence of up to 18 months and a maximum fine of $25,000.Mandatory Driver’s License Suspension
Either variety of marijuana possession results in a mandatory driver’s license suspension. This is the case whether you were also charge with possession of cds in a motor vehicle or not. The period of suspension that applies as a result of a 2C:35-10 or drug paraphernalia conviction is at least 6 months and as much as 2 years.Pretrial Intervention & Conditional Discharge
An individual who is a first time offender and has not had the opportunity to participate in a diversion program previously may apply to have prosecution for marijuana possession diverted. The program for diversion of cases involving 50 grams or less is conditional discharge. Pretrial Intervention applies when the possession involves more than 50 grams. Both programs require that the applicant complete a period of supervision and submit clean drug/urine tests.Marijuana Possession Lawyer in Brick
Marijuana possession is nothing to underestimate given the penalties that apply under N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10. Avoiding these ramification is predicated on many factors including the skill of the lawyer representing you. The attorneys at Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall possess a high level of knowledge and skill in this area of law. It also helps that Mr. Dorry knows his way around the court as good as anyone as its former prosecutor and that we have been appearing routinely at Brick Municipal Court and at the Ocean County Superior Court on behalf of clients charged with marijuana possession. To speak to a member of our defense team immediately, call 732-286-6500. An attorney is available 24/7 for free consultations.Related Brick Drug Pages & Posts:
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